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Coates (3:0:1)Colthrup (2:0:2)Corns (1:0:1)
Cobb (1:0:0)Colverd (1:0:1)Cornwall (1:0:0)
Cobbold (1153:73:1119)Colvile (2:0:1)Cornwallis (14:4:13)
Cobbold-Sawle (1)Colville (3:0:2)Cornwallis-West (4:0:1)
Cobbold_Bagdonas (2:0:2)Colvin (8:0:0)Correa (1:0:0)
Cobboll (5:0:5)Combe (1:0:1)Corrie (7:0:7)
Cochrane (1:0:1)Common (1:0:1)Corry (1:0:0)
Cock (1:0:1)Compton (1:0:1)Cosens (2:0:1)
Cockayne (1)Compton-Cavendish (2:0:0)Cossart (2:0:1)
Cockell (3:0:3)Comyn (12:0:10)Cotter (1:0:1)
Cocking (5:0:1)Conde-Williams (2:0:2)Cotterell (6:0:6)
Cockman (3:0:0)Conder (8:0:8)Cotterill (3:0:3)
Cockrell (1:0:1)Conn (1:0:1)Cottingham (2:0:1)
Cockroft (1:0:0)Connard (3:0:3)Cotton (5:0:2)
Cocks (1:0:0)Connell (5:0:4)Cottrell (1:0:1)
Cocksedge (11:0:11)Conolly (1:0:0)Coulton (2:0:2)
Codd (1:0:1)Constable (2:0:1)Coupland (1:0:1)
Coe (3:0:3)Constable-Maxwell (1:0:1)Courtenay (7:3:2)
Coffin (1:0:1)Constantinidi (4:0:3)Courthope (2:0:1)
Cohen (3:0:3)Conway (1:0:1)Courtney (2:1:1)
Cokayne (3:0:2)Conynghan (1:0:1)Courtney-Clack (1:0:1)
Coke (30:0:22)Coode (2:0:1)Courtney-Soper (2:0:2)
Coker (1:0:0)Cook (21:2:12)Coussmaker (3:0:1)
Colbourne (1:0:1)Cooke (20:0:14)Coveney (8:0:4)
Cole (24:2:22)Cooke-Yarborough (16:0:14)Coventry (2:0:1)
Coleborne (1:0:1)Cookson (1:0:0)Covolt (1:0:0)
Coleman (12:0:10)Coope (6:0:2)Cowan (2:1:0)
Coleridge (5:1:5)Cooper (17:0:10)Cowburn (1:0:1)
Coles (2:0:2)Cooper-Key (2:0:2)Cowdrey (1:0:1)
Collenberg (4:0:4)Coote (1:0:1)Cowell (3:0:2)
Collet (2:0:1)Copdowe (1:0:1)Cowles (1:0:0)
Collett (3:0:2)Coper (2:0:2)Cowling (4:0:3)
Colley (1:0:0)Copland (1:0:1)Cowlishaw (1:0:0)
Collings (2:0:0)Copping (4:0:3)Cowly (3:0:3)
Collingwood (5:0:5)Corbet (3:0:1)Cowpe (2:0:0)
Collins (18:0:9)Corbett (4:0:4)Cowpe-Pendleton (12:0:5)
Collison (1:0:0)Corleis (2:0:0)Cowper (2:0:0)
Collyer (4:3:3)Cormack (2:0:1)Cox (5:0:2)
Colman (1:0:1)Cornhill (3:0:3)Coxon (2:0:1)
Colquhoun (4:0:4)Cornish (11:0:10)Coyle (1:0:1)
Colston (4:0:4)


(A)cEdward DouglasRogerc
Alexandra Marie BridgetcEdward HoratioSarah Marionc
Angela MarycElizabeth WilhelminacSilvia Beatricec
Anne MargaretcGertrudecThomas Edward
Anne VeronicacJane ElizabethcThomas Williamc
AnthonyKatharine MarycThomas Williamc
Arthur GeorgecMargaretThomas Williamc
Carey ElizabethcMargaretcThomas Williamc
David ArthurcMarjory AlicecThomas Williamc
DianaMildredWenman Roberts